Wednesday, August 8, 2018

July 26th (Adelyn Leaving for Camp/Kenna Day)

Time to send Addie off to Camp with her friends!!
She is sooo excited to go.

 Look at these adorable little girls!! They are all super excited for camp.
Holly, Daphne, Adelyn, Taylor, Adelyn, Violet.

 Everyone is ready to go!!

 After the girls left on the bus Ella and I headed home.
Then Kenna got dropped off to hang with us for the day while April M went to a doctors appointment.
We ate lunch at home then headed to Mcdonald's for a little play date with the Bayer boys.
Ella had a hard time with some of the kids so we ate ice cream then hit the road to come swim at our house.
 The water is a little cold but they are going in no matter what!!
 Oops sorry Kenna!! She borrowed Adelyn's old 7/8 swim suit...still a little big for a 6 year old.
 Happy little swimmers.
 Well they got all the way in.

 Well I brought my computer out to do some uploading of pictures and blogging.
But shortly after the big unicorn raft got tipped upside down with Ella under it and Kenna accidentally climbing on top which started to make Ella drown. Oh my gosh so scary. I got Kenna off immediately and got Ella out of the water. Oh baby girl!! I am so sorry!! This is why I still get nervous about the pool!
 Nick got home and heard the ice cream man. Ran in to get us to see if the girls wanted anything. Um yes....2nd ice cream of the day!! They might not of gone to camp but this might make them feel better. Ha.
Ella picked batman.
Kenna picked Power Puff girl...because her mom said she can't watch the show. Ha.
The girls watched some t.v. then April got here to get Kenna.
They made her take an extra text but will know results in the morning! Ugh I hope everything is ok.

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