Sunday, August 5, 2018

July 17th (Garden of the Gods/Manitou Springs/Cave of the Winds)

Time to check out some more Colorado fun!!
So excited to go here!!

We found a climber!!

Loving all the cool rocks!!

Walking the trails.

Adelyn found cactus.

Family selfie.
We found a deer super close to us.

These rocks are super awesome!!

Climbing down the rocks.

The views are so pretty the higher you can climb.

We climbed up high!! Wow these views are amazing...but a little scary for me and Ella.

Nick took some pictures up higher.
Love this one.

Another climber.
We drove over to balanced rock!
Holding up the rock! hahaha.

Adelyn loved climbing all the rocks.

My little adventure girl.

Love this view.

Wow look at these houses on the hills.
On our way to Manitou Springs.
All the cute houses on the way down to the man Manitou Springs street.

Beautiful  hotel.
1st stop play ground and eating our sack lunch we packed.

Love the rocks on the play ground.

Cute bed and breakfast!
Interesting play equipment.

Love the disk swing.

Cool creek.

Soda Springs Park.
Time to walk around the town.

Lets try some spring water.

Its bubbly not the best tasting.

Lots of interesting things to look at.

Lots and lots of games. Super cool...every kids dream!!

Go Ella go!!

Uncle Stevie was with us for the day.

Another spring to drink from!

Ella wanted pictures with the bears.
Adelyn and I went into the glass store...she picked out an animal for her collection.

Big duck like the one we saw in Sea Side, FL!
The ornament store where I got a Colorado ornament for our tree.

They picked shaved ice for a treat.
(Personally I didn't like it...the kids did)
After a day of fun we headed to the Cave Of Winds to go discover a cave.

The views up here are amazing also!!

Waiting to go into the cave. We had a snack and pop to keep us going!!
Time to go inside...we are all so excited.

Inside this cave is amazing!!

Squeezing through tight places.

Coming up steep stairs.

Ella didn't smile in the picture/it was too expensive to buy! 
So I took a picture.
Ella is super tired and ready to eat some dinner.

We headed to go meet the Wahoff's for dinner tonight at a Brewery.
(They just got in town for their family vacation and tonight is our last night)

Nick tried some beers.
Hanging out waiting for dinner.
Love these Wahoff girls...they are so sweet! Hope you have a fun vaca!!
We headed back to the condo to get ready to leave tomorrow morning.
These girls need some sleep! Fun filled day again.

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