Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July 14th (2nd Day-Convention/Denver/Dance Party)

We got up around 6 something which is really 5 something our time. So I would say I am still a little tired. But we headed downstairs to eat a buffet breakfast that was included in our stay.
We were actually surprised it was in a fancy restaurant and the food was pretty good.
We went back to get ready.
All showered up and ready to start the day!!

We opted to wear one of our new PMG shirts we got from the convention...this was given to us by the PMG race car people! So awesome and sweet.

It's the super soft t-shirt.
These girls are excited to play with some new friends.
They also get to do face painting and bounce house today!! Wahoo.
Scheyler....a PMG 18 year old. Her dad wrote a book about her when she was little about her little monster inside...meaning her PMG.
It was so amazing hearing her speech from her IPAD. 
She seems like a very smiley, happy, smart newly graduated girl!! 
Schelyer's dad.
We picked up the girls from the play room to go eat a boxed lunch in the ballroom.
 They had an amazing face painter. Wow the girls looked great.
Adelyn with two girls she became friends with in the above picture. They both have siblings with PMG.
After we ate we ventured out during our break to find something sweet to eat.
Cute little shopping area.

Time to get Funnel Cake at Funnels.

Lots of choices for funnel cakes.

Smore's Funnel Cake.
Smelling the yummyness.
Smore's and ice cream sundae funnel cakes.
We headed back to the conference to listen to speakers on CMV..number one reason women who are pregnant have kids with PMG. I liked listening and learning new things.
After a few hours after the convention we went and got the kids again to go check out a little more of Denver.
We headed to the Pavilions/16th Street...an outdoor mall with shops on the street.
We had about 2 1/2 hours until the dinner started.

This is so sweet! Love when they get along.
Only the street car comes down here no cars...so more save to walk around to the shops.
Look what we found in between buildings...lego head!
We got a few souvenirs.
It was time to leave and head back to hotel.
Some fun stuff downtown Denver.

They got rock candy when we were shopping.
We got changed to look a little nicer.
Excited to go eat and dance.
Kids ran off to watch the little girl dancers performing while we found a seat.

They had a buffet of roasted turkey, pork, mashed potatoes with mushrooms, salad and some dessert.

We got to know Scheyler more through the day...she is super sweet. And loved our girls. She loved all the PMG kids. Her and I just hit it off.
They showed a video during dinner...we found Ella.
Now time to dance!!!
Adelyn breaking a move.

Bustin a move.

They put out balloons to play with!!

Everyone was having so much fun together!!
There is Ella's friend Justin with the blue balloon.

Ella got Daddy moving.
The mom in the background in Vanessa...her daughter and Addie got along great. And then her son my PMG and Ella didn't...ha. Her son Carson didn't want to share with her ever. Haha.

Happy girl dancing.
Adelyn, Olivia and Evelyn.
These three had a bond together.

So many people having a great time...love it!

Evelyn and Adelyn having a blast. The girls lasted till about 9:45 then headed up with Nick. Since I was talking with Robin the President of the Awareness PMG group. We talked and talked. Her husband walked around with shots...ha. I got to know some of the moms which was amazing. Robin and I even thought of idea of Pen Pals for PMG and Siblings! Might be volunteering soon with PMG!! We shall see...time to hit the hay for the Zoo tomorrow.

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