Monday, August 6, 2018

July 23rd (Fun Day with the Bayer Clan!!)

Playing at Bentwood school play ground today with the Bayer boys.

I like a lot of Bentwood's play equipment.

After a little play time we headed to Sam's to get a few things and to eat some cheap lunch!
Eating in our usual We also ran into Rhea from school.
Oh these two together...I think of the future??? Will they still be friends, more than friends?? Oh Geez!
We found an amazing deal on floaty stuff!!
Well yes PLEASE!!
Ella chose a Dinosaur floaty and Adelyn chose a purple swan!!
Time to go back and swim!!
Basketball game going on today!

I taught them how to play horse!

I ran out for a second and I came back to Ella getting into the jumper while Nick watched her. 
Oh geez...Ella you are not that little anymore.

Baby Max is here to play for a little bit while his Daddy puts in a light for us downstairs outside!

He is trying new things lately! 
He is almost 8 months old...I can't wait till he starts crawling and walking! 
(Evil LOL)

Teething baby boy.

Jeff got the light in for us! Yes...I have bunco at our house tomorrow night so we needed it done since I am having a pool party at night!

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