Monday, August 6, 2018

July 20th (Swimming fun with Erica and Darcy's clans)

The Simmon's girls are here along with a Darcy and her daughter Kaycn!

Kaycn was so sweet with Ella.
All the girls loved jumping in the water in different ways.
Trying to get a shot of Adelyn going in the tube..but Aubree walked in front. Haha.
There goes Bridget.

There goes Emerson.
Slide time for Aubree.
Here goes Ella.
I love Kaycn's legs! ha

All the littles!!

Big girls now!

Erica, Darcy and Me!!
Having fun chatting it up!!

Cheers...its 5 o'clock somewhere!!
Love me some day drinking with these ladies.
Group shot with all the pretty girls.

Darcy and her daughter had to leave.
But the Simmon's girls stayed and played inside for awhile!
A little dress up time!

What a great day of swimming and playing. 
Love how well the girls get along Erica and I can chat it up!!

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