Friday, August 10, 2018

August 8th (Last Summer Play Date with the Simmon's girls/Parents for Dinner)

Hanging out with our friends at their house today!!
The girls played inside for awhile then we had lunch.

Erica and I having fun chatting while the girls played for a little bit on the swing set.
Then they were ready to go swimming!!
Finally got them to wear the same suit this time. We didn't plan buying the same suit but Emerson did put on the same suit to match! What cute girls!!
Walking to the neighborhood pool.

Look at those little booties! hehehe

 Ella found some little babies to play with ...she loves helping the littler kids out! So sweet.

Having fun...but it started getting hot when the clouds finally moved away from the sun.

A few neighbor boys joined us at the pool also.
Jumping in time...but for some reason we couldn't get everyone to do it the same time...haha.
End of summer pool jumping.

We headed home after Ella fell walking back to Erica's house. She was super dramatic...I knew we needed to go home and rest.
After a few hours of resting at home we headed over to my parents to eat dinner since Nick is out of town for a few days for work in Columbia!
We ate yummy brawts and fries.
Then the girls played nicely with my parents toys...I found some old dinosaurs of my brothers.
Happy girls equals Happy Mama.

Marley just chillin out!
We headed home around 8 to get some much needed rest.
I got to catch up on some shows! 
(1 more week till school starts)

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