Tuesday, August 1, 2023

July 9th (Life Church-At the Movies/Lunch on Mass/Picking Addie Up From KU)

Life Church
1st weekend for At the Movies. 
Lenexa, KS decorated this year as the theme, Indiana Jones!
It was pretty cool.
Not my favorite, but still very good.
We went at 10 am so that we could head to Lawrence to get lunch before picking Addie up.

And look who is singing with the band today?? 
Pamela, how cool so happy for her.

At the movies is always so good!!
We decided on The Burger Stand to eat at. First time for us.
It was yummy and so many fun flavors to try!!

Yummy I love spicy everything!!

We got to Naismith and parked to walk over to watch Adelyn play before we picked her up in a Tournament.

There she is.

Adelyn's group got to go to Allen Field House to play in their tournaments!!
So cool!!
So cool to walk in where the KU basketball players always are!

Greased burned my arm yesterday while cooking dinner.

There is Adelyn and Sarah.

Go Addie.

She did so well!

Yes!! She is doing so well.

Great job Adelyn. They went back into the Volleyball Arena to do awards. They each got an award from their individual coaches in smaller groups.

Then Adelyn got a BEST BLOCKER Award from her gym, only 2 were given out of 100 girls! Great job Adelyn, so proud of you! I love to watch you play volleyball!

Great job!!
She is one amazing young woman!!

Adelyn had a great time, but was so tired!
Love you Addie!! 


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