Wednesday, August 2, 2023

July 16th (Life Church at The Movies-Week 2/Amber & Ava Came/Mojito Mix/Ella's new Haircut/Veggies)

Amber and Ava joined us for the first time to church. And they loved it!!

I found the Mixology juices at Price Chopper today! My friend Jessica, who lives in Seattle can't find them anywhere so I told her I would look to try for her. Well I got the Mojito one since it's like a drink with out alcohol, which I am not that into these days.
Nick was going to go get his haircut so I convinced him to take Ella too!
She has been wanting one, like Dad again.

I walked down to Ruth's to get basil and she had this mixology to try. It wasn't very good/just lime tasting.
I walked home and Dennis told me to come get some vegetables.
Look at this huge English cucumber I got. 
His brother had a huge gargen and brought like a million different vegetables! Wow thanks!!


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