Tuesday, August 1, 2023

July 14th (Cardinal/Olathe Lake w/Simmon's Girls/Sake For Dinner)

Cardinals have been around a lot lately!
(There are 2, maybe my grandparents together now!)
We met Erica and her girls at Olathe Lake for swimming! Yay!
Ella was the only one here, ha! Not!

These girls are getting to big/old!! Where did our sweet baby girls go?!
Behind the scenes! Ha.
Love hanging out with this girl.

Ella lost her smile. It is pretty hot out here. It said it was supposed to be over cast?!

Other girls are on the obstacle course now.

Adelyn about to jump from top to make Bridget go off the blob.

Love them.

Keeping my other arm out of the water so it can heal from my burn. We are going to the lake of the Ozarks in a few weeks and I can't have an open wound at that dirty lake!
We left right before the huge storm hit. My kids were hangry and didn't eat all the snacks I brought. So I went into McDonald's to grab us some fries and frozen cokes. But the coke wasn't frozen so they gave us some smoothies instead!
We got home late afternoon and it was a Friday so I opted for us to get Sake instead! Ha!
It was sooo sooo yummy!
Great day with friends.


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