Thursday, August 3, 2023

July 22nd (Family Day-Waterfall Park/Hurricane Bar/Antioch Park)

Waterfall Park, Merriam KS
Well you just walk from the playground and the waterfall is right there. It was pretty but not as cool since it's right by the road. 

Adelyn out of her room!! It's a miracle.

Pretty tree.
We headed here to eat lunch because it was close and had good reviews. It wasn't very good, mostly deep fried.
Then we headed to Antioch Park, since we haven't been in forever.
It has certainly changed over the years!
Ella was so excited.

Adelyn went to jail.

Adelyn broke out and then robbed Ella.

Now they are both in jail.

Walking over to the pond.

A girl was taking pictures, I think for her Quincenara.

So pretty here.
Wanted a picture.

And one of Nick and Addie.

Walking the bridge. Ella loved it.
They are going across the pond, unfortunately people were fishing on the stepping stones. Kind of rude, but they still made it across.

Great day as a family. Adelyn didn't complain until the end of the park. I love these little moments!


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