Tuesday, August 1, 2023

July 7th (KU Volleyball Camp For Adelyn-Dropping her off/Date night-Bonefish Dinner)

Adelyn at Naismith again this year! On the 3rd floor this year, which is easier when you go up the stairs! Ha. She was excited again this year and will be roommates with Sarah from Club. 

Izzy our old teammate is also their suitemate!
Have fun Adelyn!!
This is the lounge area with a kitchen, it didn't look like this when I went to school. How fancy!!!

My cousin Keri wanted some pics of the inside. Since she went here too along time ago!
See you on Sunday Adelyn. 
My mom then came over to watch Ella for us, so Nick and I could have a date night. 
We went to Bonefish, haven't been here in years.
Trio platter, Yummy!!
Thanks for going on a date with me honey.
It was so good, super hot and great quality food!
The clouds are pretty tonight.

Then we hit up a bakery off Metcalf, but we didn't get anything. Didn't see anything I really wanted, not what I was thinking.

We had a good time. Just wish Nick wasn't so tired!

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