Thursday, August 3, 2023

July 21st (Deanna Rose w/Brighten and Lily This Afternoon)

Deanna Rose this afternoon, meeting Lily and Brighten plus their mom's!
Yay they are here!

We saw some eggs too.
Ella loves the swings.
The baby calves are too cute!

Cow pics are a must!

Walking another one in right by us!
Great job Ella.

Pretty long horn.
They are too precious!

Playground fun!

And the baby piglets were my favorite. Only 3 weeks old!!

I took video too!! They were snorting, so cute.

Mama pig.

Butterfly garden.
Wanted a picture with the sunflowers.

One bobcat was out and about.

Asher, Lily's brother was here with us also. All the girls and just him. Poor guy but he is a really good twin brother.

Love these photos.
We are going to miss having Lily at school with Ella everyday. But she will be with Brighten now and Ella still has Tyler!

These were huge FLOWERS!
What a great afternoon with friends. We were there from 3 till almost 5 when they were closing. It was the perfect day, not to hot also!
Glad Ella has her own friends, and I like their mom's too which is such a bonus!


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