Thursday, August 24, 2023

July 28th (Lake of the Ozarks Day 1-Dock Swimming/Boating/The Cave/Tubing)

Here we go ready or not to the lake a smidge after 8:30! We made a stop at a grocery store because I forgot the onion dip I made and prepped hamburger meat. Oops, well we got a few more things to munch on since their were going to be 4 more people. We got there and only Lynette was home. Everyone else was on the boat. So they got back about 30 mins after we got there. Then we headed back down to the lake to hang out while we waited to go back on the boat.
I grew up at the lake. Lake of the Ozarks and Beaver Lake, so I was a lake kid since I was 6 months old. My kids not so much. Adelyn thought water was dirty and wasn't excited about getting in. Ella hadn't eaten much so kind of out of it. 
Maria and Michelle. Maria is the extra guest who I met last year and she was kind of weird. But she was nice and polite when we met today. Just SUPER quiet!!
Nick got in which got the girls in for a little bit.
I got in as well but they wouldn't join me?
Scott and Nick catching up.

Michelle's son, Maverick.
Jeff checking the boat motor in the water. 
Ella had to come see him.

Oh and the tub they are on, the handles broke off so Lynette with Addison went to go get a new one in town.
Wave runner time while we wait for Lynette to get back to go back on the boat to Tub.
Scott is so sweet and took Ella so slowly on the wave runner around the cove area.

Love her!
I am getting in again, wanted to get a pic of Ella's first time on a wave runner.
Me and Michelle enjoying the cool water. It is HOT outside! This is what we usually do on neighbors weekend. We come to the lake and go directly to the dock to swim and hang out. Then go for a boat ride. My kids weren't understanding the concept. I think coming during Neighbors weekend is WAY easier and enjoyable! Ha.

Scott taking Maveric.

Ella's turn, she was sooo excited!

Nick taking Adelyn.
He just took her around slowly in the cove.
Nick and Addie left the area and went fast. Both their first times on a wave runner!

They look happy.
Trying to splash each other.
Doesn't the green water look so inviting!! Yuck!

My pretty almost 9th grader. 
My kids aren't lake kids like me. Even though my parents have a lake house, they just aren't put together enough for us to go down and go on the actual lake. 
Luckily the Lyon's are like 2nd parents and are the most accommodating.
Love this girl the most!!
Ruby was being crazy getting so close to the water watching the fish, but she can't swim very well so she never gets in.
Bella, Michelle and Scotts dog.
Finally we get to go on the boat!!
Usually I don't care when we come for neighbors weekend because it is nice to just relax wherever but with kids they want to be on the move.
Lynette was so nice to go buy a new tube since the other one's handles broke off. It was old though.
Scott driving us.
Ella Bella loves the BOAT!!
Addie and her Daddy.
We headed to the cave to eat.
Michelle and Scotts rode the way there on the tube.

We made it and my family is Hangry!! And Ella hasn't barely eaten anything all day!! She is looking out of it from the heat and not enough water. The cave is pretty neat, and cool inside the cool but loud in there.

We didn't eat inside the cave but in the shade. Ella ate some tomato, mozzarella and basil. And we got her to drink some pina colada to get a little sugar in her. She pepped up! Time to go for a ride and to take Michelle home since she hurt her back.

Michelle, Scott and Maria.

The sky is so pretty.

Her happy place for sure!! Just like her mama.

Time to take these kids tubing.
Girls get to go first! Alex, Addison and Adelyn.

Going out of the wake.
Having fun.

Adelyn got thrown off a few times. Ha.
Caught Scott making an amazing face! Ha.

3 of the 4 boys going.
The boys went for awhile too. 

Adelyn fell off again. Lol.
Then boys got another turn.

So beautiful out!

Then the girls got to go all the way back to the dock since they lost a bet with Scott! Ha.
We headed back to the dock and house. 
We ate snacks since we ate late! Then had some yummy treats.
We all took showers. And my girls stayed upstairs to rest in our room. Then they went to bed before the other kids because of being tired from the sun!
The adults hung out for a while and talked. Then I headed to bed around 10 pm to go to bed around 11. 
Nick and Scott stayed up till 1 or so drinking and cracking jokes. They left with Jeff, went on boat to go to a bar but they were all closed...hahha. The other kids stayed up till 12 or 1 am!! 


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