Monday, December 12, 2022

December 3rd (Advent Calendar/Getting Gifts Ready/Bathroom/Cheer Competition/Bailey's Birthday Dinner w/Lisa)

Ella's turn this morning.

She got a school bus with her name on it!
It was so nice getting teacher/para/bus driver gifts ready along with CBR kids goodie bags for Christmas!
Oh and Adelyn is going to a sock exchange in a couple weeks, boom done!!
Painted it black! Fun!! Got vanity and light fixture in place!!

Saw this fun idea to do with your Christmas cards from my friend Erica!
Thanks for the great idea!!
Well I got Ella ready for KC Cheer Competition downtown, but didn't realize they sent another email to be there a little sooner. Ugh. So we got there 30 minutes late. I also didn't bring cash, and didn't see the email so I didn't have any! Luckily I worked my magic and they let me in for free. We aren't there that long! Ugh!!!! Long day!

I took a video!
They did great!!

The best part, trophys!

Looking so cute Ella!

Ella and Taylor.

Isabella, Ella and Brianna.
Unfortunately right before Ella's groups performance a teenager was flipping, fell off the mat and got really hurt. She supposedly broke her leg and it was sticking out of her leg! Poor girl!
Here are some professional photos they took of Ella!

She really is the perfect cheerleader!

We got home and rested before we met Auntie Lisa at Margarita's in Martin City for dinner to celebrate Bailey's Heavenly Birthday!
Ella ended up doing some of her routine for Nick at home and did a somersault. She hurt her neck during it and was very upset before we left. I don't think she has ever hurt her neck before so a new pain that she didn't like.
Ella didn't eat much at dinner and was being a punk but glad we made it for Lisa.


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