Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 14th (Adelyn Advent/Teacher Gifts For Ella/Ella Matching Doll/Ornaments/Grouting/Craft/Animals)

Little mini toys for Addie like Ella got yesterday.
I thought Adelyn would like it because it had Marvel Characters, her favorite.
She got 2 Spidermen's her favorite!
Today I sent in the socks I made for Teachers, Paras's, Helpers, OT and Speech for Ella's school.
Ella looking extra cute today for school with matching outfit to her baby!!
I let her bring in her baby to show everyone.

She wanted a picture of just her baby!
I decided to snap some photo's of some of our ornaments, love all the memories!
This one was from Ella's 5th grade!
Singing one.
I will miss you Grandpa A.D.
We love you Dana, you will forever be missed!

A little wear and tear on this ornament from Erica but still love it.

Oh how I am glad 2020 is over!

Nick grouting the tile with black! Loving the girls bathroom.
Made up Ella's CBR class game, Tree punch game today!
I am doing a CBR party at 10:15 on Friday before the classroom parties.
Oliver found a comfy spot to sleep at. 
Love my kitty and reindeers!
Mayva loving her new blanket after I cleaned the couch!
I have been cleaning and prepping!! Hoping to have a little time to myself before school gets out!

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