Friday, December 16, 2022

December 11th (Ella's Advent/Bowling w/Uncle Steve & Lisa/Pork Loin Dinner)

Unicorn cookies for Ella's Advent today.
So I picked Adelyn up this morning at 9:30, she said she only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep. 
So we ate a late breakfast and got ready to leave to head to Independence to get Uncle Steve to hang out. Well Adelyn kept telling me No, No, No I am not going. I am too tired. Usually she will just do what I say, but she was very crabby and tire. So I said whatever and we left with out her.
Ugh, teenagers with no sleep equals no fun for parents.
We got to Independence to get Steve to head to a local bowling alley. It was closed so we had to drive a little ways to another old school one. 
Lisa met us there to hang out too!

Go Ella.

Go Uncle Steve.
Ella had so much fun.
She will be doing a bowling league in January with a bunch of her friends.

This bowling alley is a little crazy. They allow smoking inside, popcorn was microwave and I wouldn't eat anything here! Lol.
Ella loved the spinning chairs.

Happy she got a spare!
Nick got the top score out of 2 games!
We headed to Cold Stone to get some ice cream.
Wow they are expensive and not the best. Oh well, not going there again. Lol.
Came home talked with Adelyn and told her she isn't doing that again, ever!
She said she fell asleep for a little bit.
We made pork loin new recipe, it was ok. Vegetables were yummy.
It's been a long long weekend!
Ready to relax in bed!!
Nick's birthday is tomorrow, I feel like we never stop going! Ha. Busy time of year!!


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