Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 20th (Adelyn Advent/French Toast/Water Beads/Gingerbread Houses/Treat Bags/Volleyball Practice w/Treat Exchange/Going out W/v-ball Mom's)

She got a $5 Starbucks card! 
I ran out of ideas! Lol.
Since Nick will be home all week with this crappy weather, I planned to make yummy French Toast! Everyone enjoyed for sure!

Water beads!! 
These are huge!!
Ella has been playing with them all day!
In the afternoon we squeezed in Gingerbread House building. 
Adelyn opted not to participate! Wahaa.
Nick, Ella and I had fun!
Making a pond!
Putting gummy fish in it.

Getting creative around here.

And it's complete. A house with a 2 car garage. Along with a pond, pool and playground!

Snow hill. And slide with half the playground.

Swimming pool with slide! And more of the playground in the backyard.
Nick came up with this idea to do the Bags Game.

I made a couch with ottomans, then a tv with 2 chairs inside!
Adelyn made a double batch of my brownies today to give at the treat exchange I set up for the volleyball girls.
She put 2 brownies and some Hershey kisses.
I dropped her off at practice and met some of the mom's up at the Mexican Restaurant.
Amber and Sarah. (Sarah mid laugh!) Haha.

 Me, Denise, and her daughter Maddie.
Pina Colada for me and margaritas for everyone else! Yum! Well we were all enjoying our drinks, some got food till we got a call from Coach Elijah that firetrucks were at the practice. Since I just got  a drink and had already paid I left. Luckily firetrucks were leaving when I got there. They smelled a gas smell so the church called the fire department to check it out! They couldn't find a leak so that's good!

After practice each girl brought 12 wrapped treats of some sort to exchange with each other. A little chaotic and not organized but they were excited to get some different treats! Yay! Time to head home and relax in bed!
Look who came to snuggle with me since it's freezing outside! My baby boy!


December 19th (Ella Advent/New Crockpot Recipe/Cheerleading Ornament Exchange/Deana Rose Lights/Holiday Neighborhood)

Ella got bigger sized water beads from her advent. She was excited.
Tried a new crockpot recipe tonight in my Pioneer Woman Crockpot that I got for Christmas last year. Finally broke it out! I saw 2 different recipes and combined. I used frozen cheese ravioli, sauce, ricotta mixer, and lots of cheese. Yum. Set it for 2 hours so it would be ready after Cheerleading.

Tonight the girls practiced and did an ornament exchange with their buddies!

Rotating the ornaments around.

Ella got a cute Dolphin with a Santa hat!
She loved it!
Group shot, not everyone made it tonight but it's close to Christmas!


And its done!!
It was yummy, and easy!
We decided to go to Deanna Rose tonight since we are running out of nights!
Here we go.

Lots of colorful lights. A little disappointed with the music this year though. No regular songs!? Boo!

Then we drove over to the Holiday Neighborhood off Antioch. Lots of pretty lights and displays.

Loved the Elf cut outs the best!

This house was so pretty!

Headed home fun night!! Ready for the crazy/busy week ahead!