Thursday, June 4, 2020

May 30th (Jake/Trail Walk/Lizzie's House)

We ventured over to the Hogan's house this morning. Ella got to go in their hammock finally! They got it at the beginning of the corona virus and Ella has been waiting forever to go try it out!
Her shopping cart is going to get her!!
Ella and I went for a little walk on the trail.
Lots of water in the creek from the rain.
Laying on Adelyn's squishmallows on her bed! ha.
 Spaceship launch! Addie watched at Noah's since they were playing Lego's.
Nick got home in time to watch with Ella and I!

Pretty neat!
Then we headed over to my friend Lizzie's house for Nick to go see what they are wanting for a patio!
The girls got to play with their girls and neighbors!
Lots of little girls having fun on this nice day out!

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