Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 8th (Tulsa-Day 1)

My allergies have been making me have puffy eyes so today called for this!
I texted Ready for Tulsa to April and Lizzie...ha!
Lizzie's turn to drive.
She picked us up at 10.
We tried to eat at Mcdonald's in Pittsburg, KS but they aren't open inside for seating. So we hit up Freddy's!
On the road again after lunch!!
 We made it!! Got to Tulsa at 3 pm! Taylor was here to greet us.

The 3 Amigas are together again!! yay!
Lizzie and I brought Kenna a late b day present and Taylor a recent b day present!
Kenna got her 1st squishmallow from us!
 Taylor got one from us also!
 3 Big happy! We haven't seen them since November!!
3 Little Girls!
 Time for the trampoline with the sprinkler!

 Making shops to go to!
 I brought glitter tattoos.

Dinner is ready!! 
After dinner fun outside...the weather is nice out finally April said! 

They have a new puppy...Sadie! Ella loved her, well all the girls did.

 It got a little windy! Ha.
 Better with an extra friend behind.

 Riding fun.

The clouds look neat tonight.
 I wanted to grab some beer and the other mom's need something too, so Grant watched the girls while we ran to the liquor store. Well April took us the long way around to look at the big huge houses being 30 minutes later we got home! Ha. Sorry Grant.
 Look at this Mansion down the street from April being built!! Crazy!!
Pretty sky while we were driving home!
Well April's girls have their own rooms now so that helped with sleeping arrangements.
The little girls went to bed by 10 and the big girls almost midnight!
Us mom's stayed up till almost glad we are here! We sure miss this family.

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