Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 10th (Tulsa-Day 3 Heading Home)

Addie loved Sadie also!
 Grants Pancakes with strawberries and cool whip this morning!! Yum!
So their dishwasher was leaking last night, that doesn't stop the McCloskey clan from catering to their guests! Lol. 
Great picture Grant.

The girls decided to make another movie with all the girls in it this morning!

The movie turned out adorable! They had a blast making it and worked really well together, no fighting.
Lizzie and I got everything packed in the car and then it was time to say goodbye with a photo shoot of course!

 My favorite!

 I like this one also!

 Grant loves to take our pictures!

 April wanted to keep the "Y" "why"!

 Lizzie and I look cute but April wasn't as prepared for the photo shoot! Lol.

This is the!
Oh Grant.
Well we left around 10 again and ready to head home.
We will miss them so much, but they should be headed up later this summer to Olathe!! yay.
 Pretty sky as we drove home!
We stopped at a Mcdonald's in a truck stop place.
The kids were tired! Addie fell asleep the longest, about 45 minutes which she is not my car sleeper at all.

We got home at 3 pm again!
Nice to be home and sleep in my own bed.

Also Nick had to work late the first night but then he got home early the next day!
He totally relaxed and enjoyed himself...this is the picture I got!

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