Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 14th (Camping Gear/Ella Single Swim/Family Walk)

We ran to Academy as a family today to get some last minute Camping stuff for our upcoming trip.
The girls each got to pick out a sleeping bag since they just had too small of ones!!
We also got a queen size air mattress and other things!
Trying out the mattress!
Ella wanted to go swimming by herself! Ok!

Nick and I were on the deck cooking dinner while Ella swam.
She looks so small in that big pool.
We went for a family walk after dinner.
Ella ended up falling down so she cried a lot...not the best walk! Oh Ella.
Then I headed over to April's house to figure out camping food with her and Ruth. Well we might not be going camping now, there is blue algae in Perry Lake! Ugh Oh! We will have to call in the morning to figure it all out! Ugh!

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