Tuesday, June 2, 2020

May 25th (Monday-Creek fun w/Daddy/Swimming/Family Walk)

We walked down to the creek with Daddy today to show him where we went the other day.
We found ducks in the creek.

Ella was excited to show Nick.
Adelyn was at Noah's house playing.

It was feeling warmer out so we decided to go swimming.
We got Noah and Adelyn to join us.

Happy girl with her water filling!

Loving my flowers!

Ella saw her Daddy getting in and was excited!

 Ruth ran some errands and I did some work inside cleaning, while Nick swam and watched the kids! Win/win!
 Ruth came over and I came out to watch the kids swim. Cannon ball time!

 Popsicle break!
 Noah kicking and splashing on the girls!

After dinner we went for a family walk with Mayva!
 The sky is gorgeous out tonight!

It was such a nice day and night!! Glad Nick got to be home with us a lot more this weekend he needed a rest.

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