Wednesday, June 24, 2020

June 17th (Black Hoof Park w/Simmon's girls)

Black Hoof Park
They are off to the creek!

All the girls are together!! Yay.
Love spending time with this girl and love it more how much our girls get along!!
Daughter like Mother!!
(Love this picture of Bridget and Adelyn....they are getting so BIG!)
 Big girls going off on their own!

Ella loving the sand and water!

 Spinning fun.

There weren't a lot of kids at the park...we lucked out!

 All together now!

 Bridge picture!! I love the bridges everywhere we go.

 Me and my girls!

 Off on a walk we go to the other side of the park!
 Love outdoor pictures!

On their own again!!
Love their sweet friendship.

Lily pads all over!!

Group selfie!!
Great day with great friends...the girls didn't want it to end!
I didn't either but we will get together soon.
It was hot so on our way home we grabbed sonic slushes!!
Cherry limeade for Addie and Lime for me!

Ella got grape...tastes just like a grape popsicle! Yum.
So refreshing!!
Ella and I then went swimming since we were hot and sweaty!

Tee shirt party t shirts are in for my friends!!

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