Monday, June 22, 2020

June 12th (Adelyn's mini 11th b day Party)

We cleaned, decorated and Addie made cookies for her birthday party tonight.
Ella must have caught a little stomach bug...poor thing.
Might have gotten it from Tulsa somewhere!!
She made these all by herself!
Finally 6:30 pm came for Adelyn's birthday!!
She has been waiting ALL DAY!!
Squishmallow/stay late birthday party with games is what she swimming this year!
Prizes all set up and ready to go.

Cute decorations!!
I love the rainbow streamers!!

Oliver hanging out on the porch!!

Everyone is here and ready to party!!
1st up-Draw a picture of a squishmallow contest!

Wow great job ladies!! Daphne and Amelia won this one!
Toss a Squishmallow is next!

Adelyn and Riley won this one!
Toss the Avocado Squishmallow!!
Adelyn and Amelia won this one!
Prize picking is fun!
Squishmallow bowling!

Last Game...Relay race with balancing your squishmallow on your head!

Time for presents! (Daphne already gave her a gift during the drive bye parade)
A new raft from Riley.

Candy and a super soft blanket from Amelia!!
Oh Daphne!
Got their stuff ready for a movie!
Popcorn and gummies to start followed by ice cream sundae bar!
Happy 11th Birthday Adelyn!
Sparkler candles this year!
(But you can't blow them out....ha)

 Enjoying their sundaes!!
 Lots of yumminess going on!
The cookies made by herself!
 Watching the new Mary Poppins with fun glow sticks!

 All the girls left at 9 and had such a fun time!! I am so glad it wasn't a sleepover this time!! This is so much easier!! Hope your birthday was lots of fun.

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