Thursday, June 18, 2020

June 11th (Walmart Run/Noah Over/V-ball Practice)

 We hit up Walmart this morning for a few things for Addie's little b day tomorrow! Ella had a toy to take back from Walmart so she got money to buy something new. Then Addie brought money to buy something for herself.
Addie got 2 new lego sets and a boy mermaid barbie!
Ella got a Paw Patrol car with all the puppies!!
 Noah came over to play lego's and to help build with Addie.

Ella also got to pick out a Batman Hat...she wanted pj's but I couldn't find any. So she picked a hat!!
 First volleyball practice! Adelyn will be playing sand volleyball soon!! Yay for sports again!
Great job Adelyn!

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