Saturday, June 27, 2020

June 19th (No Camping-Lake of the Ozarks?)

So this is the forecast for Perry lake...our camping trip is going to be a bust.
So Nick was telling Jeff how we weren't going to be going on our camping trip, so he invited us down to the Lake House instead! Wow that's amazing...thanks!
We followed their 20 year old daughter, Sarah down to the lake.
I was feeling a bit nauseas before we hit the road so almost to their house I ended up needing Nick to pull over so I could throw up with the winding roads.
Ugh Yuck!!
Well we made it down, and I made Nachos for everyone.
Jeff and Lynette didn't get down till about 8:30, so we headed down to the dock to go for a night boat ride.
Tragic stuck with Ella falling in the water without a life vest on....the panic and fear in her eyes was so scary. I grabbed her and pulled her onto the dock!! My anxiety was even higher now at this point and she was crying.
We got her changed and she wanted to go on the boat. She was happy on the boat. I was terrified now but we had a good boat ride.
Time for bed around 10:30, hope tomorrow is a better day! 

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