Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 5th (Cinco De Mayo-Long Day)

Ella wanted to be a doggie since she watched 101 Dalmations a couple days ago!
Ok well why not!!

Unicorn for Addie...she decided to dress up also!

Cutie animals!!
I made cowboy caviar last night to eat today with tortilla chips.
Which I did for lunch...so yummy!
 Just a girl and her dog hanging on the deck!!

My mom stopped bye today to get some treats from me and to hang out on the driveway for about an hour.
 I made chicken flautas for mexican tonight!

Ella opted for oatmeal instead...how is she my daughter??
After dinner we headed down to Ruth's house for Cinco De Mayo Party with the Chan's and Tebbe's!

 Trey, Noah and Addie riding bikes around on the trail. Being normal.
Ruth decorated all cute!!
Ohhh April great face you have! Lol.
April and Chad making soapapias!
 Ella, Lauren, and Cora doing chalk at the end of the driveway!

I made mexican sugar chocolate cookies!
All the kids minus Ella. 
Social Distancing not going so well anymore!
These kids got strawberry daiquiris, chocolate cookies and Sopapias!
Great social distancing group photo!!
Playing kick the can??!! Say what?? Wow bringing it old school.

They played on bikes, kick the can, tag and just laughed and laughed!!
Normal fun!!
I took Ella home around 8:30 to go to bed, let Addie stay and play for awhile.
I came back to get the rest of our stuff and then April talked to me about some stuff from the past.
We needed a hug...lol.

Laughing about having a hug!!
So weird not to give people hugs anymore.
Today was a trying day for me...but tomorrow should be better! Right?

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