Saturday, May 2, 2020

August 24th (Ella still Sick/Zoom for Addie/House Party for Me)

Today was the day to turn in our scavenger hunt to work...they all started back today!
I had 300 pts!! Maybe I will win a gift card?? We shall see.
Ella is still sick. I woke up with her again in the night, but slept better.
 Mayva can we switch places??!!
 Drinking some today! Feeling a little better.
 Adelyn on zoom with her class today! Happy doing another scavenger hunt.
She ate some chicken noodle soup and kept it down. 
She has been having diarrhea though.
Poor thing, I think this might be more than just the regular stomach flu since we are on day 3!
House party for me tonight with friends!!
It was nice seeing all of them. I am sure missing hanging out with people lately!!
(Side Note: Erin broke the rules and finally hung out with the new guy she is dating for the last 4 weeks....and lets just say she had "a happy ending"!! Haha.)

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