Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 1st (Ella Eating/Addie Feeling Better/Outside Time for Ella/Social Distancing w/Friends)

Say What....Ella eating Macaroni and hot dogs!!

Collecting moss stuff! Ella playing outside while I relax in a chair!

Then we moved onto playing with water.

Then she needed her bathing suit on because she got wet! Ha.

Barbie stuff to play with.
Our neighbors cat Elvis came over to see us!

 Time to go on her car again! Up and down the side walk!
 Happy girl to be feeling better!!

 Love that she is all better!!
There is my smiley girl again!
So I had popcorn for a late snack then decided cheese dip and guac sounded good for a late lunch!
It was super yummy and I snuck down to the basement to watch a show with it!
Trail walk with Ella again! Happy girl with a full belly from eating two times today mac n cheese with hot dog!
Much needed Social Distancing with friends on Ruth's driveway tonight!!
I drank a whole bottle of my sparkling moscato!! Yum.
Ruth and Janet.
Sarah and April.
I want one of these bottles soooo bad!! Too cute!!
Today was a much better day! 
Adelyn is feeling better and has ate some food today!
Hopefully everyone is 90 % by tomorrow!

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