Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 2nd (Everyone is WELL/Outside For Ella/Water Balloon fight/Ice Cream)

Adelyn woke up this morning all the way better! Yay!! She hasn't had a fever in a couple days at least! 
Ella woke up happy and wanted to play outside on this hot day!
Filled up the crab pool for her!

Ready to splash!

After lunch time Noah and Ruth came up to do a water balloon fight!
 Since Addie has been sick we didn't want them getting to close to each other. Perfect game to play.

 I don't think they hit each other much! LOL.

 Helping Ella.

 Blocking the water balloons with his bin.

Pretty sky out today!

Nick and Jeff came by after a side job. They decided to open up the pool!! yay!


 So exciting to watch! LOL!
The girls went inside to rest and watch tv. 
I made dinner then the girls got ice cream sundaes along with the movie Sonic The Hedgehog tonight!

It was a funny movie! The girls liked it forsure! Happy Saturday!

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