Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 20th (Cheetah Ella/New Lego Set/Nickle & Suede)

Adelyn made Ella into a cheetah this morning!!
She looked super cute!
Finally she got her lego set!! She was so excited...it had been delayed and took the longest way to get here!
A gang of hood rat kids walking around the trail together!! Ha.
April, Ruth and I got to sit in Ruth's driveway and catch up while they walked around!
Look what I received in the mail today?! Say What??
(Nick said he ordered some for me a week before Mother's Day but took too long!)
Wow these are huge and gorgeous!!
They were sooo expensive and I would have never bought them for myself, thank you honey!
Love them...my 1st pair!
Putting her legos together!
She stayed up till 9 pm putting it together.
Happy day today!

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