Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 21st (Last OFFICIAL Day of SCHOOL!!!)

Good morning...happy last day of school little gift!!
New Squishmallows and Fingerlings!

Excited about new toys!
I got ready this morning the most I ever have this whole corona virus!!
Got my new earrings from Megan, Eva's sister!
She hand makes these tassel earrings...soooo cute.
I kept looking outside over and over again to see when Addie's teacher was going to show up!
Finally she did while Addie was down at Noah's riding bikes.
Adelyn was shy and surprised she was there....she was the most amazing 5th grade teacher ever!!

Mrs Odorhty was here also! Knoekle's child was sick so she wasn't here! Sad for most of our friends were in her class!
They gave her a sign! Love! The back had words that made me cry!! Didn't get a pic though.
So proud of you Addie!
I can't believe I have a middle schooler...how can this be?
Last Day of School Pictures

She wants to work with an animal she can hold or feed without getting killed...ha.
She doesn't have the best hair today but hey that's ok! 
She did her own ponytail...getting better about doing her own hair.

Ella wants to be BATMAN not BATGIRL!!
She got her hair waved like mommy!!

Pretty girl!
She has on her schools shirt and Addie has on her 5th grade RP shirt!
Silly photo for Ella.

 Trying to get a selfie with Ella can be hard...lol!

 Adelyn had her cheetah take a selfie! Ha.
I wanted one with my big 6th grader!
Time to head up to the school to meet friends for our end of the year pictures!!
(Side note: I rolled up blaring my music, Old Town Road to get everyone laughing!! Come on its summer friends time to have fun and not worry so much about covid-19)
Looking at yearbooks..forgot to bring Adelyns to have them signed.
Ella hasn't gotten hers yet.
All the kids that came!

Trey switched with Addie, he is taller! Tallest to shortest!! Wow that's a lot of kids.
Jumping photo...not everyone wanted to. lol. Porter looks amazing off the ground though.

All the 5th graders here!! Wow I can't believe they are going to 6th grade, maybe I can convince them to keep up these pictures till Senior year??!

 We of course had all the kids take our pictures. So these 2 are the best out of what I got! Lol.
Going to miss this spot on the bench where the "MomSquad" started!!
The rest of the pics are certainly funny.

 Can't get us moms to stay still! Lol.
 Daphne is done taking pictures.

Addie took an upclose one of my face! Thanks Addie.
5th Grade Girl Picture!
Me and my girls picture! Love you!!

April throwing out fruit snack stuff in the air for all the kids! Happy last day of school!

Ruth, Lizzie, and Sarah
Bekah and Eva.
Janet, Pamela, and Erin.
Me and April!
Bekah took these pictures of Ella just hanging around! Love these.

Best Friends!! 

Bye Bye RP!!

 Noah's b-day is on the sign...they wanted a picture!

We saw Mr. O was there so we had to grab a picture with him!
(Oops he was doing an interview.)
We usually go to my pool for the first swim of the year...well our pool is cloudy and Nick hasn't had a lot of time to clean it, so option 2 Lizzie's house outside fun!!
Sarah and Eli rode over on their bikes...Ruth grabbing a picture of them while I get one of her. Ha.
Having fun with friends! This is the most kids we have been around since the whole corona virus! It seems so normal and its such a great day!

 Look who stopped bye but with Mrs. Knoekle this time...yes she is that short next to Daphne! LOL!
They saw us all outside and had to stop...made these mom's, I mean kids so happy! I am glad these kids got a picture on the last day of school with their teacher also. Made me teary eyed!!
We stayed and played till 4 ish then Ella and I headed to Pamelas house since Nick was doing their patio. Then came back around 5 to have Addie ride her bike home!
Yes I was near her in the car!
Helicopter mom still here.
We got home and Adelyn had mail.
She got an early birthday card with $25 from Grandma Judy!
She was super excited!!
What a great last day of school.
We ended our day with Panda Express for dinner and a movie.
Yay for Summer!!

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