Wednesday, May 6, 2020

April 27th-April 29th (I AM IN HELL)

So Addie woke up with a tummy ache!! Yep she got sick like Ella! So I did some research and BLEACH kills rotovirus not LYSOL, which is what I cleaned my whole house with!! Shit!! Ugh!! Also Ella has been complaining about her mouth??!! She wont eat anything only drink, which she needs protein with not eating with being sick. So through these next few days Ella went to the ER because the Dentist wouldn't see her with having a fever! ER didn't help just gave her drugs. Then finally Dentist saw her and figured out she has a really bad sore in the side of her mouth, which was why she wouldn't eat. I thought it was her tooth or a molar?? Ugh! She has been screaming and crying all day every day for 3 days. A wet wash cloth and drinks are the only thing that made her happy. Then addie never threw up but had diarrhea the whole time with made stomach pains! I was being woken up many times all through the night by each kid! I don't even know what to do...I am so exhausted and just upset with all this!! I want this to be over, I can't do it anymore!

Ella eating jello at least!
Poor Addie!

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