Monday, December 4, 2017

November 25th (Decorating/Park/NFM)

Ella's tree is all ready!
We went to set up Adelyn's but it wouldn't we will need to find another one.
Basement tree we got done this morning. It's our ocean theme.
Upstairs to do the big tree!! Yay the girls are so excited.

Excited and happy little girls to help.

She's so cute.

 Oliver just enjoying us do the tree.

Time to decorate the top landing this year!

Ella setting up a train with her chairs.
Time to get outside on this nice day and play with some friends at the park.

 After some outside fun we walked back to get Daddy and off we went to NFM to pick out a new washer and dryer. We found one and it will be delivered on excited to have a big washer finally! We went to eat panera and look at the lights at the Legends. It's really pretty there!!

 Enjoying my Christmas Tree while everyone sleeps.

Oh what a sweet kitty!
What a great Family day!!

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