Saturday, December 30, 2017

December 24th (Christmas Eve-Movies/Snow/Nick's Cousins/My Parents)

You know just dancing with my dog says Addie!!

Staying warm says Oliver!!
Time to get ready to go to Fernanad Movie at 9:45.

We had to run a couple errands before so we got to the movie during preview time. Glad we made it.
Tried to get a pic but our reclining seats are too wide! Oh well at least we got to have a relaxing comfy seat.
The movie was great a little sad at moments. 
After some popcorn at the movies we stopped to get some Culver's for lunch!
I finally gave in to the girls going out in the snow even though it is super cold. 
Here they go..have fun girls.

That smile!!

Nick was in the garage while the girls played...I went inside and took one more shot. They had a great time playing...I think it wore them out.

 Time to open their one gift on Christmas Eve...our tradition.
Fingerlings for the win!!
These were one of the hottest toys of the season. 
I had them bought in October!! Go Me!!

Adelyn got white and Ella got a teal blue one.
They are so stink-in cute!

Time to go to Pleasant Hill....Nicks cousins house for Christmas Eve.

We ate dinner and the kids played. Then it was time for presents.

Ella got Chelsea barbie and horse. Adelyn got charm making kit. Then they got money and gift cards.
Ella loved the train they had around the train. Super fun!

Adelyn enjoyed it also.
We got Ava a pink fingerling monkey...she was soooo excited! She had wanted one. We also got Marissa a gift card...she is a teenager and little Riley girl an old school Water Baby like I had!
So fun time to go check out the Magic Tree then to my mom's to open our annual Christmas Jammies.

We took a few pics and back into the warm car we went! It's such a pretty tree but always packed.

Adelyn took our pic! Cute.
Time to open gifts at my mom's after Ella ate some soup since she didn't eat a lot of Nick's cousins.

Snowman Jammies for all of us...matching again this year! We all got slipper socks, but Nick got slippers.

Thanks Grandma Joy.
I was talking and looked over at the Adelyn reading with Ella. This is was such a sweet moment to capture.

Ella wanted Grandma Joy to read to her.
Marley is such a sweet kitty.
He is such a photogenic cat.

Presents from my parents house.
Adelyn was so sweet to write Santa a note.
The kids are all nestled in their beds ready for Santa to come!! 
I got my warm jammies on ready to relax with Nick and then hit the hay!!
Happy Christmas Eve!

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