Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December 19th (Last Day before Christmas Break/Christmas Partie

Ella's CBR classroom is having pajama day so she is wearing her Christmas Jammies!!

 See Adelyn in the corner...she is prepping for her dance with Daphne...haha.
Blocking the camera. ha

Found Ruth's lap to sit in. 

I video taped Adelyn the best I could doing her dance even though she was super far away!!
Time to hit up the party!!
 I pulled Ella out of school early since she already had a CBR holiday party in the morning...now she could go to Adelyn's party. (Next time she will stay at school...all I did was feed her the entire time. Oh Ella.)

Fishing with Candy Canes.

Tucker and Nora...ring toss of the reindeer game.
 Adelyn and Ellie decorating their cookies.

 Delaney, Addie and Nora. I don't know the photo bomber's name. lol.
Always one girl looks away in their pictures together. ha.
This time I took another.
I love this picture of them..they are adorable!
Back home Ella had some gifts to open from her teachers.

What a long day for me. Yesterday I had the stomach bug but out the other way! haha. 
So I had to hit up the store this morning, then rested about a couple hours then had to get Ella early to go to the party!
Now I just want to relax at home and feel even better.

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