Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 9th (Basketball/Cookie Exchange/Nick's Cousin's)

Wearing my shirt today...reminded me of April since it was for her! Love ya girl!!
This morning I made three types of cookie...lemon, smore's and chocolate cake mix. These are for the cookie exchange after the basketball game.
Adelyn's 2nd basketball Game!!
 Warming up before the game. We have a sub...Alyssa who was on our team last year.
Lillian and Ella having fun together while their sisters play.
Going up for the lay up...Wahoo.
 Go team...Addie gets to start! She is one of the tallest girls on her team with more experience than some of the new taller girls.

 She also got to t off at the beginning. She was going against the tallest third grader ever though. Wow.

Nana and Nanu got here. Ella was excited to see them.

 Adelyn did an amazing job. She scored two baskets..which is all she scored the whole last season. And she did great at being more aggressive and going to shoot when she could. Great job!!
 Daddy keeping score from our team.
Getting a drink.
They ended up losing 16 to 29 but it was way better than the 0-25! 

I finished baking the chocolate cookies. Then headed to Pamela's for the cookie exchange. Nice to talk with everyone and get some yummy cookies.
After about an hour came home to pick up Nick and the girls to go to dinner at Talk of the Town.
Then off to Independence to Misty's (Nick's Cousin) to see James, Lacey and Jase who was coming in town for the Chiefs game. We hung out till about 9 then we needed to get going...we were all tired especially Daddy who stayed up late with the neighbors.
Side note: I had to scope out with my finger a pistachio shell from Ella's throat today before I went to the cookie exchange! Super scary!

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