Tuesday, December 26, 2017

December 21st (Baking Day 1)

 Wrestle mania going on in the living room!!

Ella is so silly...and loves to attack her sister.
 I cleaned up the kitchen and did some laundry since I have been sick and we have been gone the last couple days. Then we finally got to bake. Puppy chow was up first.
Adelyn loves to help now.

Mint Fudge, Rice Krispies, Puppy Chow.
1st time making this fudge hope it turns out yummy.
I also made homemade cinnamon rolls to eat on for the next few mornings. Yum!
After the girls went to bed I made up some cookies for tomorrow when my mom comes so I don't have to bake as much tomorrow.
Ginger doodles and snowballs.
Time to relax and then go to bed.

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