Wednesday, December 27, 2017

December 23rd (Hook Christmas)

Treats for the neighbors.
 All the treats for the Hook Christmas and Chicken Flautas.

The girls are all dressed up and ready to hit the road to Maggie and Dan's for the Hook Christmas.
Ella is all ready...looking cute.
She looks so pretty...but the shoes?? Well she wouldn't wear an dress shoes...they bothered her feet so this is what I got glitter tennis shoes! Ha. Oh well.

 Oh Ella we had a good photo going on!! lol
 This one is better...we all look so much a like!
 Daddy took some pictures of us.

Oh this one is perfect with Daddy.

 I made Nick take another one...this one is better! hehehe
Time to go to Maggie and Dan's.
 Ella was not in the best mood today so my cousin Keri's husband Ryan turned the foot massager on which she loved!!
The two David's!
 Julie, Grandpa A.D., my Mom, Halie, and Maggie's friend.

Leslie and Kevin.
 Ally and Uncle Dan.
 Quinn photo bombing.
 Cindy, Pat, John and Ally.
 Quinn, Andrew, Sarah, Quinn's girlfriend and Lauren.
Aidan not wanting his photo taken.
 Keri finally got Ella to sit with her.
Love this photo...they love their cousin Keri!
My cousin's hubbies..Ryan and Andrew.
 Maggie, Nick, Me, Stephen and Addie.
 Time for presents for Addie and Ella since they don't get money yet.
I now help pick out the perfect gift.
Monster high sister mermaid and Descendants 2 CD.

 Ella got Monster High Draculara's sister and Descendants 1 the movie!

They loved their gifts especially Addie.
Well we left and were headed home when we saw Sar A Ko Park near my cousins house that is all decorated with lights. You get out and can walk around to see them all. I have seen some people take pictures of themselves with the lights. Glad we stumbled upon it! ha.

 At the gazebo we ran into my friend Ami from PTO at school! Small world..they come here every year after church which is right up the street from here. Wow is it cold!!

 Loved the lights reflecting off the pond!! Not the best pics with the blur but it was so pretty.

Oh Mayva you are just the cutest puppy ever!!
We had such a great time at the Hook Christmas...great time catching up.
Bring on Christmas!! The girls are so super excited...its almost time for Santa.

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