Monday, December 4, 2017

November 24th (Decorating/Enjoying the Weather/Penguin House)

 Our basement is a little trashed...haha. Time to clean up and decorate.
Dining room tree.

 Daddy trying to figure out the lights on our big tree!

 Adopt a family presents for two little girlies!! This will be our 5th year of adopting a family. I really love doing it! And it shows my girls how we need to give back.
 Daddy is still working.
 Wrestle mania...this is what Ella wants to do all the time.
We could just have a tiny tree this year. hahha.
While Daddy is doing the tree we will set up the snow village.

 Time to play outside on this gorgeous afternoon and get our Christmas Lights up!

Ella was dancing and enjoying the gorgeous weather.

 Collecting leaves.

 Ella helping the neighbors with their leaves.

 Playing with the neighbors and making water balloons.

 Our house is all done!! Looks awesome honey.
 Neighbors house across the street.
We hit up Pauly's Penguins tonight since it was so nice out.

 The girls love the Penguin House!!

The Village always turns out so nice! Love our spot...the girls love to help set it up. I broke on this year...oops.

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