Saturday, December 30, 2017

December 25th (Christmas Day)

 Santa came!!
 Adelyn's stuff!!
 Kitty and Puppy stuff.
 Ella's stuff!
 Ella is super excited about her double baby doll stroller!! Wow awesome.

Ella got her own robot dog like sisters.

Mayva is super happy with her new rope.

Shopkins car she was wanting.

Silly putty for a silly girl.

New earrings.

Her new leopard surprise....three tiny babies!! They are adorable.

 Santa hooked them up!!

Daddy's turn to open his stocking.
New chiefs mug.

 New perfume spray.

 Time to open some presents.

 I got a puzzle made from shutterfly for the family. Super cute.
Beanie Boo Slippers.

Shopkins piggy bank.

New wood turtle I bought Adelyn when I was down at the lake of the Ozarks.
 An old school water baby for Ella. She was excited.

 Look what she got her own pillow pet...she loves it!!

 Time to play!!

Adelyn reading Scary Stories book just like I used to have when I was in grade school! Love it!

 Watching A Christmas Story while playing with new toys.
Her new water baby.

I found Oliver relaxing. 
Time to make breakfast!!
Grandma Joy, Grandpa David, Grandpa A.D and Uncle Stevie came over to eat and open more presents.
 Opening stockings from Grandma.

 Grandpa and Uncle Stevie.
 Grandma and Grandpa.

 Time for more presents.
 Snow cone maker like Stephen and I used to have.
Grandma and Grandpa got us Science City yearly passes.

Mama and Baby what Adelyn really wanted.

Mini Hatchamals for the win with both girls!!

We got Stephen beer for Christmas.

 Don't wake Daddy!! New game.
They both got new jammies.

She got a new stuffed animal....the huge caterpillar like sissy has!! She was super excited.

 Nick got a new jacket from my parents.
Riding on her caterpillar. Adelyn brought hers down so now it is an overload of caterpillars!

 Picture I took down in Arkansas at my parents dock and had it blown up for David. I think he really liked it.
Pionner Woman cook book for Grandma from us...she loved it.
Opening their hatchamals.

 My new blanket from my parents. Love it!! Super warm.

 Our Jammie picture.

New turtle pets.

We had a little rest. Then Daddy left to go get Uncle Steve so he can go to dinner at my mom's with us.
We got him a $50 gift card to kohl's, some truffles and a picture from when Nick's cousin's were in town.
We headed up to get ready to head to Grandma and Grandpas.

These pretty girls are ready for more Christmas fun!!

 These outfits are too adorable. I figured I better do it now to match in a cute fun outfit before they get to big.
Garret and Colton are here.
Adelyn and Ella got new Frozen watches from Nanny. Super cute. Ella really loved hers.

She loved it...she had to put it on right away.
We gave Uncle Steve another present...his own big red ozark trail cup!!
 Opening presents.
She got Mermaids from Grandpa A.D.

Lego set...awesome.

 Vampiriana Doll for Ella.

Stephen and Nick looking at their new shave kit from Grandpa A.D.
Nanny got a new Chiefs jersey and KU sweatshirt.

Colton got a big truck with cars.

 Look at these sweet cousins playing all together.
 Uncle Steve was super excited to see the weights my parents have. He had to get his work out in. LOL

 Daddy's turn to get his workout on.

Readying more from her book...Marley is investigating.
We tried to get Ella in the picture but she was done for the evening.

 We headed home after our yummy prime rib dinner. We had such an amazing long fun filled day. Time to go home and get our jammies on and relax.
Their new pajamas from Grandma and Grandpa.
Silly Ella.
Pretty girl there you are.
Merry Christmas to All!!

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