Thursday, June 8, 2017

May 28th (Happy 8th Birthday Adelyn/Memorial Day Party)

 Time to celebrate Adelyn this morning. I decorated with streamers and balloons!!

 She is really into Lisa Frank right now...hard to find!
Adelyn loves my RTIC cup so I got her a Ozark Trail 20 oz...she loved it!!
The Day The Crayons Came Home!! We have when they left...super cute books.
 The amazing treasure chest for the pool!! Awesome pool toy with dive coins and jewels.
Tiana doll...she didn't have one yet.

New lego board.
 Monster High legos.
 I think she scored on some great gifts. Happy girl.
Happy girl ready to play with her toys and wait for all her friends to get here!
Oh but the best part my dear friend Lizzie took both girls to their mutual friends birthday party..Tucker. Who shares the same birthday as Adelyn. They were gone for more 2 hours right before our party started so I could get everything clean and ready for our party!! I am so thankful for our friends/neighbors/school friends!!
Time to start the party!! Kids are ready for the pool.

 Stephen, David, Bob and Nick.

 Kenna and Violet.

Lizzie and April M.
 Ella loved Laurie...she was pouring water on her feet/

 The biggest kid in the pool...Uncle Jeff.
Ella loves Vivi!!
 Look at all these happy kids.
Hot tub time!!

 Finally got these kids out of the pool for some yummy fried chicken and sides for dinner.
Nick and Uncle Steve.
Katrina and Cameron...well stuffed Cameron from too much food.
I love me some Vivi! She is a doll.
 Hanging on the NEW deck!
 Uncle Jeff in the pool...he barely got out. hahaha.
 Ella's two best friends at the party...Lily and Grace. These our my friend Janets daughters.
 Brent, Daphne (Who is done/cold), Lizzie, Janet and Matt.
Bob and Laurie.

 Wow these kids swam and swam. From 3 till 8:30 for Adelyn!!
Adelyn opening her gift from Nana and Steve..since they couldn't make it to dinner last night.
She got a new art kit and roller shoe things.
Ella got a silly monkey a live guy that makes noises..she loved it! But is in bed now asleep.
Time for bed my sweet 8 year old. Love you with my whole heart!!
Look at this little nugget of preciousness!! 
This is why I can't give up on having just one more!!
Why do they have to grow up??!!
Adelyn loves t.v. and movies.
Is exploring more foods eating chicken enchiladas.
She is still super picky.
Loves playing with tiny mixiels, shopkins, and legos.
She only sleeps in till 7:30 at the latest.
She loves to swim and play basketball.
Her best friends are Taylor, Daphne and Holly.

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