Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 7th (VBS WEEK)

Going to summer school looking cute!!
Dress up like a Mad Scientist Night. 
So both girls are going VBS this year from 6:30-8:30 pm at my friend Lizzie's church. Ella has a special buddy (an Adult) that goes around with her. So cool that they wanted to do this for people with kids with special needs. Well the girls are loving it now being their 2nd day. 
I am loving it also having a little break...I went shopping the night before and am going home tonight to relax! Hoping one night my husband doesn't have a side job and we could go to dinner!

Ran into Grant with hims MOMSQUAD shirt on that I had made for him! It looks awesome. Grant with Taylor..acting like he is being mean. LOL. Oh Grant I sure am going to miss you as a neighbor!!

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