Friday, June 2, 2017

May 20th (7-11 Container Day/PF Changs)

Fill up your own cup at 7-11 today for $1.50! The girls and I hit them up around lunch time. Wahoo we love us some slurpees!

Adelyn and I decided next year we just mix a bunch of flavors and fill up a huge cup or container of some sorts! 
Tonight Adelyn had Noah's birthday. So Nick, Ella and I headed down to PF Changs for dinner. Unfortunately the food wasn't very good and the service was horrible. But we had gift cards so not that big of deal. 
But we did notice the fountains were orange so we had to go check them out before we left. 
Ella loved the was a little cooler out so we didn't stay long. Plus we needed to get back to get addie. I still don't know why they were orange though? 

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