Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 2 (Adelyn's Birthday Party)

Sisters playing and having fun!! Wow had to document this!
Adelyn and I made her her barbie cake!!
She loved it...I was like whatever it looks good enough.

Little gift bags.

Snacks for the soon to be swimmers.
She is super excited for her party.

 Yay playing fun with a few extra little girls..neighbor cousins. Adelyn didn't mind she said if they needed to come swim for a bit.

 These girls are having a blast!

 Time to get out to have some snacks and open presents.

 Group photo!
Time to blow out the candles.

Happy girl eating her cake and ice cream.

 Time for more swimming!

Time to open the hot tub...3 of Adelyn's friends that don't go to her school didn't stay the night since they didn't know everyone from school well. So we had 5 girls total to stay the night!! Wahoo..let the fun begin.

 Delaney, Adelyn, Holly, Ella and Daphne.
 Time to eat some pizza.

 They got changed into their pajamas and are getting their sleeping areas figured out.
 I got everything set up for the girls to make puff paint sleep shirts...I did this when I was little at one of my sleep overs I had! Yay!!

 All these little girls are so creative.

Helping Ella make hers.
 They finally decided to watch Storks!

 All their shirts came out different and creative. Each girl did things totally different...awesome job girls.
Time for popcorn and treats.

 Glow stick fun before they fell asleep.

They all passed out right before 11! I thought that was pretty good. It was a great party. Adelyn got great gifts, had a lot of fun swimming and just having fun as little girls.

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