Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 1st (Cosmic Jump/MOMSQUAD)

 This morning watching tv they were sharing the same couch and not fighting!! win
We were off this morning to meet at 10 at Cosmic Jump. I have my major savor plus if you wear royals shirts it is $2 off on certain days. So my kids jumped for 2 hours for $10 total!! win again
 Ella and Carder.
 Adelyn and Tucker.

Ella and Violet.
 Noah is here now.

Daphne and Addie

 I went to the bathroom and they were taking a photo with Ella. lol
After some much needed jumping we hit up the new Chuy's for lunch. win

This was the best group picture of the
Well I will say that Chuy's was not my kind of mexican. It is super texas mex but I would love to go back for some pina colada's and cheese dip!!
Tonight is the night for MOMSQUAD! win
We surprised April with a bunch of MOMSQUAD gear before she moves.

 We are sure going to miss April M when she moves!! This has been so hard on all of us!!

 Right before April put her kids to bed for the 3rd time. Lol!
Super cute picture.

Bekah took this picture of us as we took 50 selfies! Haha.
What a fun/sad night. I love all these memories and we will make more even if we have to drive out to Tulsa once in awhile!! Love you McCloskey Family.

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