Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 15th (Kenna Swim Lesson/Batman Lego Movie/Chick Fila/Swimming)

 Lizzie picked us all up!! Kenna, Taylor, Violet, Ella, Daphne and Adelyn. Wow this is going to be totally not loud or crazy with 6 girls and 2 moms!! MOMSQUAD and GIRLSQUAD!!
Side Note: April had to go to check up for her cancer this morning so we took her girls for awhile!
Everything came back normal and great!! yay for April!

 This just happened on its own...LOVE IT!!
 Waiting to watch Kenna at her last swim lesson!! Go Kenna!

 15 minutes before she was done I took the other 5 to the playground outside of the community center.
Adelyn was spinning super fast! 
Ugh it made me sick just watching!
 We then hit up the Cinemark movie in Merriam to watch Lego Batman...it was only $1 for each person!! Awesome deal..I brought candy and water bottles. And we all split a big popcorn..worked out great. Next stop chick fila for some free kids meals from Legacy Church VBS!! Wahoo!
April finally met us here. Super crowded but went pretty quick and we grabbed two tables by each other.
 April left with her girls before we could get a group photo..but we tried for one in the parking lot with Lizzie and I! Lol. Sun in our eyes...oh well still a fun day. Sad to know it will be one of the last ones with all 9 of us for awhile!!

I decided to let the girls swim to get some energy out! So nice and they played great with each other. 
Pretty much because they each had a big ziplock to fill with water from the hose...silly but it kept them entertained! Love our home!

Happy Ziplock Girls! Hahaha!
Side Note: Nick has been working a side job every night..we haven't seen him much. Miss you babe!

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