Friday, June 2, 2017

May 14th (Mother's Day)

 The pool is open from yesterday and starting to get a little better. Not much. The kids are so ready to swim.
Nick is doing an amazing job trying to get stuff done quickly around here. I have been helping with dirt and rocks and cleaning up around the is a lot of work!
Well Mother's Day did not go how I thought it would...Daddy isn't the best planner. Sorry honey but you totally suck at making plans. So we finally decided after working in the yard a bit to go to lunch at Winstead's and then to Deanna Rose for some family fun.

Look at this diva in the drivers seat! One day she will be driving and I will look back at this picture and cry! Wahhhh
 Deanna Rose was a little crowded being that it was a super nice/warm afternoon.

 Happy little swingers! I love these bench swings.

 Adorable cows.

 Milking fun.

 Cow picture is always a must! I hope they never get rid of this thing!
The tippee was open! Fun.

Feeding the goats...Adelyn's first time. Ella's first time was on her school field trip. The goats only ate for awhile since it was afternoon they were already full!

 I love my two girls!

 Family photo. Time to go home and work in the yard a little more. We need to get this thing done before our Memorial Day party.

This dog!

Ella can't wait to get in the hot tub!
 The pool is still nasty.
My sweet Addie.
Oh Oliver.
Well it is coming together more. Rocks are going in place with the planters! Yay!

Yummy cookie cake for Mother's Day!

Much needed champagne after this mornings fiasco!! Got to love mother's day and my birthday! ha 

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