Sunday, June 4, 2017

May 24th (Ella's Last Day of Pre-school)

Happy girl ready to go up to her sisters school to bring pizza for the last full day of school party.
Then she was off for her last day of school this year.
 Everyone eating pizza in Adelyn's 2nd grade class.
 Delaney, Kaia, Tinsley and Addie.
 Taylor with Mrs. Peterson and her niece that Taylor's mom April is best friends withs mom.
We also brought up birthday treats for an early birthday celebration for Addie.

 Time for Ella Bellas Graduation!! First up singing then diploma!!

Ella waiting patiently to sing. She did get up a couple times to come give me a hug in since I was in the front row! Love her.

 5 Little Pumpkins sitting on a fence...Ella got to use her device to talk. She pushed a few times and it still didn't work till someone helped and it talked for her! So cool that they incorporated that into the song.

 I loved how they used the little girls wheelchair in the song as the truck.

 Five little speckled frogs sat on a speckled frog!! Ella jumped in the water it was to adorable...I took a video.

They sang about 7 songs. They all did so wonderful! Now time to sit and wait to get their diplomas.

Me and my cutie...her face is getting better.
Here she comes ready for Kindergarten.
Grandma came in late so they did it for her again.

I love this one of Ella.
Ella and her teacher. We loved Mrs. will be so hard to leave her!

 Bye, Bye Heatherstone!! Next year Briarwood for Ella!! Now time to go home and walk to go get sissy!
These two are making me cry left and right!
What are they going to do without each other.

Walking home crew!
Noah, Adelyn, Taylor, Carder, Tucker and Kenna.

 I wanted a cute picture but this is what I got of the kids. Getting in the McCloskey's bed of the truck.
Hiding from the camera.

 Look at this adorable girl sleeping in her bed with all her stuffed animals!
Sweet girl!

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