Monday, January 15, 2024

January 5th (Sick/1st Day Back For School/Snow)

Well I ended up getting sick on Wednesday.
Which sucked because Nick was working and the kids are home still from Winter Break.
I had a 102 fever, luckily for only 1 day. Then felt run down and a little congested.
I am feeling a lot better today.
The kids went to school even though it is snowing today. Yay!! Glad to get a little break before the weekend. Weird they went back on a Friday though.
Pretty snow out today! Big snowflakes!!

We finished the puzzle! Time to start another one.

Also Nick stopped smoking cigarettes in the middle of December, plus he hasn't been drinking for a while now either! Proud of him!! It's so nice having  him in the house now, not being in the garage all the time!!

Ella and Nick building tonight.
And her tower she built is leaning but standing...ha!
Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to normal!!


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